Hand Alphabet

An image of two hands and forearms reaching forward in a black space. The hands are overlaid with technical schematics of the computer application that will control their movements in virtual space.
The virtual hands to be used to visualize both ideal and the evolving trained hand movements

A Virtual Tool for Hand Movement Training

By combining the science of neurophysiology of hand movement control and learning, psychology of motivation, learning, immersion, and presence, and the innovative technology of virtual reality, this multidisciplinary study aims to build an immersive virtual reality training environment in which hand movements can be visualized as part of an interactive virtual, immersive system to help those who may have lost or suffered damage to their hand capacity.

As is typical of IRC projects, the study is providing transdisciplinary learning experiences for undergraduate and graduate students at UMBC.

Look for more on this exciting project soon!

Researchers and Creators

Principal Investigators:

Ramana Vinjamuri, Assoc Professor, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Charissa Chia, Professor of Psychology

Modeling and Animation: Ryan Zuber


Modeling: Lynn Nguyen, Graduate Student, Intermedia and Digital Art

Graphics and Interactivity Programming: Evan McRae, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and the Individualized Study Program


$22,000. 2023 Imaging Research Center, Faculty Research Fellowship awarded to PIs, Ramana Vinjamuri  and Charissa Cheah.